Friday, October 26, 2012

Note of appreciation for 2nd year learner’s

Before we all forget and move onto tasks and subjects new? I would like to thank you for making Linnet Clough happen for the younger UPS year groups.  I know at times it is a thankless task and each day there is a mountain to climb. Each new group brings its own set of problems and tasks to complete. However as a team you have proved without doubt that you can cope.

Your duties have included mentoring learners, assisting with a range of teaching subjects which have included – expedition/field craft skills, navigation, leadership, communication, PT and who could forget the mammoth logistical task of cooking and preparing 200 meals and snacks a day.

You have proved beyond doubt that you have the skills required to respond and manage a simulated major incident and attributes that are required for affective command and control.

Well done to all concerned.

Martin & Ian

Ps, Bring on the RTC 21st of November 2012 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Public Service Skills

Final Parade Week 2 NCFE BTEC level 2

Russell Wardell - Wednesday, 24 October 2012, 02:13 PM

On the two and a half days at linnet I learnt that pain is only a brief barrier that can be broken, its like all walls can eventually be pushed through with the right amount of effort, I also learnt that teamwork and effective communication is an important aspect at linnet because without it plans and team tasks with collapse.

Although linnet was mentally and physically challenging it was preparing us for basic training in the forces. In conclusion linnet was hell for most of us but by thinking positively and having the right attitude it can be pulled through and the rewards at the end make up for the challenges.

2nd Year Mentoring & Support

Daniel Cartwright - Thursday, 18 October 2012, 09:58 AM

I have just finished my 2 and half days as staff at Linnet Clough and I loved it. I was great to bring a large group of people together and help and support them through their Linnet experience. I enjoyed cooking for over 60 people and the food was great. I really enjoyed then night ex, and watching the transformation of the first year from arriving in their street clothes and not having much of a bond with each other, to leaving smartly in uniform and knowing how important team work and respect for others is and also how helping each other is very important. 
Thanks to the staff they were great and if I progress to HND next year I will try and go to Linnet again!

The Boss of RAF recruiting visits Chesterfield College Students at Linnet Clough

RAF - Squadron Leader Phil Todd visits learner's during a training exercise at Linnet Clough. The Royal Air Force recruitment commander for the North of England said that he he was very impressed with the resolve shown by the the students of Chesterfield College. And stated that he intends to maintain the strong links between RAF recruitment and the students at Chesterfield College. 

Group Photo BTEC & NCFE Level 2 and 2nd Year Support Team

Owen Palfreyman - Friday, 19 October 2012, 10:10 AM

At Linnet Clough I discovered that when things get challenging and hard you just continue to keep going and push yourself further as this helps you get more out of it. I learnt that I am more confident in making decisions and sticking by them. Being in 3 section, which was my team, we learnt that it is extremely important to always look out for one another and keep everyone motivated. 3 section as a whole did very well as we enjoyed working with each other and got on with everything.

This has helped me in my chosen career as I have gained more confidence in myself and this will help me in my career plan to go into the Royal Military Police. Also it has definitely improved my Physical fitness!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Video Presentation of Linnet 2012 Week 1

Learner Comment 

Ryan Malton - Wednesday, 24 October 2012, 12:19 AM

I have found Linnet a lot harder than I expected, I wish that I had prepared myself more. However to be honest I have enjoyed the running the most because it has taught me not to give up and keep going. 
I have never ever ironed my own clothes I found this very difficult but realise that has a police officer I must be able to look after myself. I hope that I pass tomorrow, either way I will prepare more in the future and I will from now on be running every week.