Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pass out Parade

Jordan Birkin - Tuesday, 23 October 2012, 03:11 PM
I found linnet clough difficult and hard, but this was all new to me so it was to be expected. i tried to stay positive troughtout, even if my moral dropped i would then pick it back up a look positive. My favourite part was to night exercise, it gave me a taste of what we would have to do in real life. i was able to work and get on better with my group, also gave us a chance to get to know each other. linnet has helped me realsie that i can achieve if i push myself, i have aslo built on my condifdence skills and communicaiton skills. i was happy to pass, i was also nominated for a superior pass, for contributing toward my grouops uniform and helping them by ironing all their throusers and working well as a team. 

Joshua Vaites - Friday, 19 October 2012, 03:37 PM

It was a brilliant 2 and half days at Linnet, we did on the first day two PT sessions, one with Matt and the second with Daz. We also worked on a brief for the observation task on the second night with James. We were put into 3 sections; 1 section, 2 section and 3 section which was the group that I was in. James showed us how to iron and fold our public service uniform while Daz showed us how to clean and polish our boots. We where also shown how to put up a bivvy (improvised shelter) and how to us a ration pack cooking equipment with Ian. On the second day we did a morning run with Daz up to the cross and back down while doing burpees, press-ups and sit ups. We gave the brief for our observation task the group I was in (3 section) did preliminary’s and situation. The staff and second year’s staff were a great help encouraging us to do our best. The most rewarding bit was at the end of linnet Clough was marching up and receiving my certificate for completing the linnet Clough residential from the RAF staff. I am considering going back next year as a second year staff to help out as it was great fun and enjoyable no matter how exhausted i was. What I learned about myself was that I don’t give up, no matter how hard it was I tried my best, my timings were to be honest poor as was second to last most times after PT due to pulling a muscle in my inner thigh. It will help in my chosen career that determination and best effort helps a lot and it gave me a lot of experience in how to act and to work to the best of my ability’s. Thanks to all the second years and staff for making linnet Clough an enjoyable experience.

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