Thursday, October 25, 2012

Group Photo BTEC & NCFE Level 2 and 2nd Year Support Team

Owen Palfreyman - Friday, 19 October 2012, 10:10 AM

At Linnet Clough I discovered that when things get challenging and hard you just continue to keep going and push yourself further as this helps you get more out of it. I learnt that I am more confident in making decisions and sticking by them. Being in 3 section, which was my team, we learnt that it is extremely important to always look out for one another and keep everyone motivated. 3 section as a whole did very well as we enjoyed working with each other and got on with everything.

This has helped me in my chosen career as I have gained more confidence in myself and this will help me in my career plan to go into the Royal Military Police. Also it has definitely improved my Physical fitness!

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