Thursday, October 18, 2012

Liam Grocutt Superior pass

Liam Grocutt receives a superior pass certificate from Cpl Craig  James RAF Police/Careers

Learner Comment 

Charlie Towell - Wednesday, 24 October 2012, 12:08 AM

I have found being away from my son very distressing and throughout my time here and I have just wanted to go home and see him. I think due to only recently giving birth my fitness is below the standard required and I have struggled to keep up with other members of the group and I have felt like giving up all the time. On a positive note, I really enjoy taking part in drill and find this to be my main strength. I also enjoyed the teamwork side to this course and like being responsible for all the ironing on behalf of my room (even though this is something I detest!!!)  I am looking forward to seeing my son hopefully after successfully passing this course.

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