Thursday, October 18, 2012

Elizabeth Cutts - Superior pass

Elizabeth Cutts receives a superior pass certificate from Cpl Craig  James RAF Police/Careers

Learner Comments 

Joe Ross - Wednesday, 24 October 2012, 12:09 AM

When I arrived at Linnet I fond it very difficult at first because the PT is difficult for me, I struggle but don’t stop although I was close to giving in.  But I decided to stay and keep going. I want to be a police officer and realise that this course will help me. My favourite part has been the night exercise and the food. I also enjoy working with my team we seem to struggle to work together I think this is because we don't all pull together. I am dreading PT tomorrow but I am looking forward to the final parade and going home. 

I would like to say that I appreciate the support from the 2nd year students, I hope to return one day as a mentor for others.


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