Friday, October 26, 2012

Note of appreciation for 2nd year learner’s

Before we all forget and move onto tasks and subjects new? I would like to thank you for making Linnet Clough happen for the younger UPS year groups.  I know at times it is a thankless task and each day there is a mountain to climb. Each new group brings its own set of problems and tasks to complete. However as a team you have proved without doubt that you can cope.

Your duties have included mentoring learners, assisting with a range of teaching subjects which have included – expedition/field craft skills, navigation, leadership, communication, PT and who could forget the mammoth logistical task of cooking and preparing 200 meals and snacks a day.

You have proved beyond doubt that you have the skills required to respond and manage a simulated major incident and attributes that are required for affective command and control.

Well done to all concerned.

Martin & Ian

Ps, Bring on the RTC 21st of November 2012 

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